Online Consent in the Face of Artificial Intelligence Challenges

Cookies vs IA Published at December 14, 2023

Online consent and artificial intelligence (AI) are two hot topics in the realm of digital life and privacy protection. Online consent pertains to the explicit or implicit permission that users grant for their personal data to be collected, used, and shared online, while AI involves the use of computer systems to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.

Here are some key points regarding online consent and its connection to AI:

1. Consent and Data Collection:

Online, numerous companies collect data about users to personalize services, advertising, and recommendations. Users must provide informed consent for this collection, in compliance with privacy regulations such as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

AI is often used to analyze and leverage the collected data. Users should be transparently informed about how their data will be used, including the use of AI, when giving their consent.

2. Transparency:

It is essential for companies to provide clear and comprehensible information on how user data will be processed, including the role of AI. Users must be able to understand the implications of their consent, particularly concerning how AI algorithms can make decisions based on their data.

3. Control:

Users should have a certain level of control over their data. They should be able to grant or withdraw consent at any time. Regulations, such as the GDPR, grant users the right to request access to their data, correct it, erase it, or object to its processing.

4. Challenges:

AI algorithms can make understanding and controlling data collection and usage more complex. Users may not know exactly how their data is used to power these systems. Potential biases and discrimination in AI systems raise additional concerns regarding consent, as users may not be aware of biases present in AI training data.

5. Responsibility:

Companies using AI are responsible for ensuring that user data is collected and used ethically and in accordance with regulations. They should strive to minimize privacy risks and ensure that users understand the implications of their consent.

In summary, online consent and AI are closely intertwined, as consent is the crucial first step in enabling data collection and usage, including in the context of artificial intelligence. Companies must adhere to privacy regulations and ensure that users fully understand the use of their data, including in the context of AI, to safeguard their privacy and rights.